Glitter, Gems + Guys Galore

Glitter, Gems + Guys Galore

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weekly Shoe: Roger Vivier


It's been, for a long time, my determination to have a weekly post dedicated to my favorite and most fabulous piece of fashion - shoes. And I when I say shoes, I mean anything with more than a three inch heel. I don't do flats. I mean, I do, obviously, but if I could walk miles in heels whilst running errands without discomfort, then I truly mean I don't do flats.

So, I was first - while going through my categorized and labeled (first by boot, sandle, heel then ankle, knee-length, thigh-high to colors, then sometimes by designers) I was just gonna do one big post. But I had way way too many choices to comment on, hence I shall bequeath my weekly shoe posts to be by designer!

Zhis veek's posty is on a shoe designer that caught my eye from Katie Holmes during her prime time fashionista glory in 2007. I remember thinking, "Wow, she really digs this Roger Vivier guy for accessories." She literally wore his shoes and handbags to at least four events in a row.

Besides, it was the buckled shoe design and that wasn't really my jam. A lot of designers were doing it, like Tory Burch, so it hadn't caught my fancy yet. It worked for Katie, just not very va-va-va-voom for moi.

Afterwards, not really taking any particular interest while I glimpsed his names in fashion mags, I noticed that he was very keen on florals. This shoe first grabbed my attention when a bunch of celebs were strutting this style:

I thought these were the cats pajamas and I still do. Absolutely gorgeous. The stiletto even has the shape and appearance of a thorned stem! Brilliant. Plus, it's just very feminine and elegant. That is the one word I use to describe Roger Vivier.  

But once I googled him, I discovered the mother load. Btw, in this instant, mother load doesn't quite mean quantity, but rather quality. Honestly, this man is a genius with extravagant details. I don't know whether his shoes should be worn with a cute cocktail dress or be stuck in a green house! 

Say it with me: Holy. Fucking. Balls.

 Works of horticulturalist art!


 I am very much in agreement that these are on display to drool and fawn over.
Holy shit, the details!? 
Now that's dedication to drawing attention to a woman's foot.

A little bit of research later, I found out that good ol' Rog had collaborated with Dior in a superb inspiration circa Marie Antoinette! Princessa, I know you'll appreciate these shoes along wif me:

Keep it up, Mr. Vivier. You're definitely on the same page.


  1. :O <---- Jaw dropping.

    Dudes an OG fa SHO! Holy lord, these are awesome!

  2. Ain't he, darlings? I would chop off all my hair for a pair of his shoes.
